With business and safety risks associated with production, ISO standards are a natural fit in any manufacturing business.
The ISO 9001 quality management standard helps products meet technical specifications and customer requirements, whilst the ISO 14001 environmental and ISO 45001 health and safety management systems help maintain care of the enviroment and the people who work for you.
Due to the nature of many manufacturing environments, environmental and health & safety considerations also rank highly on internal and external stakeholder priorities making ISO certification key to stakeholder buy-in. By controlling risk you reduce your environmental impacts, and your products and services can become more valued by your existing & potential clients.
2SB work as ISO Consultants with companies seeking to achieve ISO Certification. We can guide you through a single ISO or several at once, depending on your requirements.
In a highly competitive manufacturing market, small differences can help get you to the top of the list and having ISO certification can make that difference. A UKAS accredited ISO is seen as the Gold Standard and is often the only ISO Certification that major clients will recognise in the tender process. By achieving certification for your business, you can demonstrate commitment to high customer service standards and managed internal processes.
Using 2SB as your ISO Consultants will help to make the acquisition of ISO certification much easier.
In most processes there is room for improvement. Businesses are often aware of these improvements, however without the framework provided by the ISO standards, these steps can come second to meeting customer orders. ISO 9001 requires businesses to document, monitor and internally audit their processes to look for improvements. It also provides mechanisms for looking at defects and deciding how the root cause can be addressed to achieve continual improvement.
Our clients find that 2SB consultants are effective in helping them take a step back and really analyse what they are doing - this can help deliver improvements by:
2SB can provide health & safety services to our manufacturing clients to ensure that the environment for staff is free from uncontrolled risk. Machinery, forklift movements, repetative tasks, working at height, noise and chemicals are just some of the hazards that can be present. By following the best practice outlined in ISO 45001, whether you go for certification or not, allows you to identify hazards and put in place procedures to reduce the risk to staff and the business.
As ISO Consultants we are able to guide you in controlling these risks through practical measures, and put in place the documentation you need to prove your compliance.
Documentation requirements vary depending on which standards you are implementing. Contrary to popular opinion, ISO systems do not need to be heavily documented.
Each standard has specific requirements for certain items to be documented to ensure that you are able to meet the requirements of the standard. Other clauses in standard may not require documentation, but its easiest to prove that its being done if its documented.
We can advise you on exactly what documentation is required and how to structure and record it.